Monday, April 21, 2008

Is it chauvinism or chivalry??

“Oh God! He was a total and complete MCP” declared P. Curious I wanted to know who she was so mad at. And then she declares “Most men are MCPs.. They are a breed of pompous opinionated brats!”. Which I do not agree with but this conversation set my brain in motion.

This is not an isolated incident.. I know a lot of women who call all the men they hate as MCPs.. So intrigued I asked people their definition of an MCP..

Most people came up with the fact tat an MCP is a person who has a problem accepting the capabilities of a woman, her ability to outshine her colleagues who are often men. I am not sayin I am for men who domineer over women. But sometimes this term has been used very loosely (for the want of a better word). Many of my friends mistake chivalry for chauvinism. They call men who open car doors or pull up chairs as chauvinists.

Some of them were happy to point out tat they do not want chivalry in men. They want to be treated as an equal. If so I have a couple of questions for you people. If you say you are equal to men in all ways then y dedicate a separate day for women? Do you have an equivalent men’s day? If you do not expect chivalry then why do you expect them to foot the tab every time you go out with a guy? If he doesn’t foot the bill all by himself he is called a loser..

Another observation.. I agree there are a lot of male chauvinists but don’t we have female equivalents? Logically, FCP! Female Chauvinistic Pig! But just to offer a variety, FCS? Female Chauvinistic Swine? LOL!!!

Now my friends let the comments begin. The ball is in your court; or should I say, the pig is in your sty :P


  1. now i know y i hang out with you:P the fact tat i don hav to fit the tab everytime :P although i must say you seem to have ripped the female entity. most of your friends are not going to be amused :D

  2. Anonymous22/4/08

    U said it ashok! I for one am not. FCP kuda illa FCS vera...Okay for sum weird reason Ikeep thinking fetal calf serum :P
    But yes.. thanks for bringing down the female race..single handedly.
    Tho I have to conceed u may have a point :) MCP is konjam overdone n ya it's a easy ready weapon for females.

  3. Anyday I would prefer to see such sharp and incisive writings rather than gossiping Iyer Mamis :) ......... Even I was confusing certain atributes of mine to male chavinism...... Thanks to you, I am now going to convince myself that those atributes of mine are indeed Chivalrous :)

    People need to realize that certain responsibilities are gender specific and face the hard reality.... It is no mystery that kids grow well with mothers. So a father should not claim equal rights in upbringing of the child... Similarly family is much better when a man leads the way... Scientific study should indicate that men have a better and desirable EQ than women, so leave the decision making to them... I know its not applicable to all men alright :)...And some women are exceptional and do stand out...
